Saturday, August 31, 2019

Racism in America Essay

Racism is very much a problem in our country; we just can’t admit that it’s there. We bury it back in our minds, not able to admit the pressing problem in our nation. All of the groups in our nation demonstrate racism and believe that they are right for hating a certain type of people. The Klu Klux Klan, Aryans, Skinheads, Neo Nazis, and many more are a good example of the racism that still lingers. There is also a substantial amount of racial profiling now ever since the September 11th tragedies. Many people ridicule Middle Easterners and people who are considered to have â€Å"their color† because some of us think that since a few Middle Eastern terrorists bombed us, they all hate us and want us to die. This all started with slavery and the Africans being sent away from their homelands to break their backs working on our farms. We spit on them, treated them like shit, and expected them to work hard for us and like it. Many of the white people do feel sorry and are guilty for what we did to the African American ancestors, but there’s nothing we can do to take it back. It is history and we cannot change it. There is still racism towards African Americans. Whenever you hear a murder, robbery, assault, or drug bust on the news, they say it was an African American. There are just as many white people that commit those same crimes, but they aren’t on the news nearly as much. Affirmative Action in today’s society has nothing to do with slavery and if it does, it really shouldn’t. We use Affirmative Action to make a school or work environment have diversity, not pity on what we did. Affirmative Action is to make sure minorities have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Task 2 on reflection Essay

                 UAE otherwise known as United Arab Emirates is amalgamation of 7 Emirates namely Umm Al, Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Fujairah. UAE is the second biggest Arabian Middle East economy. The United Arab Emirates is the number 3 biggest in this region in crude oil exporting, following Iran and Saudi Arabia. It possesses the number 6 biggest recognized conservative crude oil reverse and the 5th biggest natural gas reserves. The swift growth in demand of water and electricity has generated the necessity to appraise unconventional power generation sources. In the year 2008, the United Arabs Emirates produced energy white paper on study of energy that confirmed that nuclear power to be environmentally friendly and safe alternative which would increment the prevailing plants of power in accomplishing increasing energy requirements. 2.1 Objective of this study accomplishment                The objective of this study of examining whether ownership structure matters for the performance of firms in United Arabs Emirates was achieved. Empirical evidence suggests that privately held firms tend to be more efficient and more profitable than publicly held firms. This shows that ownership structure matters. The question now is how does it affect firm performance? This question is very important because it is based on a research agenda that has been strongly promoted by La Porta et al. (1998; 1999; 2000). According to these studies, failure of the legislative framework to provide sufficient protection for external investors, entrepreneurs and founding investors of a company tend will maintain large positions in their firms thus resulting in a concentrated ownership structure.                  This paper aimed at looking at whether ownership structure has an impact on firm performance in UAE. This region has witnessed significant economic growth over the last few decades. The region is also facing turbulent times with respect to corporate governance practices, resulting in poor firm performance. Corporate governance issues are not limited to the Gulf region. From a global point of view, corporate governance has witnessed significant transformations over the last decade (Gomez and Korine, 2005).                The data that is used in this study includes 362 non-financial listed firms during the period of 2006-2011 from Thomson one banker,, DataStream and annual report. Panel data is used to analyse the impact of ownership structure on firm performance number of independent directors on the board are controlled for. The different types of ownership structure that are included in the study are: managerial ownership, family ownership, government ownership, institution ownership, foreign ownership and concentrated ownership. Evidence personal learning and development 1.0 Effects of structure on firm performance                  It is indisputable, managerial ownership, Chairman own share, institutional investors, corporate total own, institutional owner domestic and corporate foreign all have positive effects on firm performance. The evidence is also consistent with theoretical and empirical arguments. On the contrary, When Return on Assets (ROA) is used as a measure of performance; the evidence shows that government ownership has negative effects on firm performance in United Arab of Emirates oil firms. Therefore, performance of United Arab of Emirates oil companies is affected by government ownership.                  The relationship between performance and ownership structure also differs for firm specific variables such as leverage, GDP growth and firm size. When the Tobin’s Q is used, the relationship is negative for leverage, GDP growth and firm size. The negative and significant impact of firm size on firm performance when Tobin’s Q is used can be attributed to the fact that large firms have limited investment opportunities, which limit their potential to grow and make profit. Surprisingly, the impact of GDP growth is significantly negative. However, when ROA is used, we did not find any significant relationship with firm performance in United Arab of Emirates oil firms.                   This study also shows that there may be a necessity to motivate policy makers of United Arab of Emirates oil firms to ensure that banks practice the mechanisms of corporate governance effectively. This practice should be compatible for the business environment of United Arab of Emirates oil firms, whereas adopting the same governance standards in order to ensure unification of disclosure level among the banks. It is expected that the best practice of the corporate governance characteristics will contribute to improve efficiency, effectiveness and monitoring in the Islamic banks of UAE. Therefore, this can only be applied by developing the regulatory and compelling frameworks.                  In the last 4 decades, researchers have believed that there is a connection between the firm performance and the ownership structure. In this regards, there has been publications of many studies on different markets to inspect this relationship. This connection between performance and ownership structure dates back to empirical study of Mean and Berle in the year 1932 that got that the weakness of shareholding in a negative way influence the performance of affirm via an inverse relationship. Generally, the number of well-developed policies and the present legal systems are poorly developed in the markets that are emerging. These new markets, according to most analysis studies, lack protection for their creditors and shareholders (La Porta, 1999). 2.0 Ownership structure in relation to firm performance                  The issue as to whether ownership structure matters for the performance of firms has been an important subject of debate in the finance literature. Empirical evidence suggests that privately held firms tend to be more efficient and more profitable than publicly held firms. This shows that ownership structure matters. The question now is how does it affect firm performance? This question is very important because it is based on a research agenda that has been strongly promoted by most researchers in economics. According to these studies, failure of the legislative framework to provide sufficient protection for external investors, entrepreneurs and founding investors of a company tend will maintain large positions in their firms thus resulting in a concentrated ownership structure. This finding is interesting because it implies that ownership structure can affect the performance of the firm in one way or the other. It is indisputable; the lack of regulations in corporate governance gives managers who intend to mishandle the flow of cash for their own personal interest a low control level. The empirical results from the past studies of impacts of ownership structure on performance of corporate have been inconclusive and mixed up. References Gomez, P.Y. & Korine, H. 2005, Democracy and the Evolution of Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance, 13, 739-752. La Porta, R., L. et al. 1999, Corporate ownership around the world. The Journal of Finance, 54(2), 471–517. Source document

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is Recycling Worth the Effort in the 21st Century?

Is Recycling worth the Effort in the 21st Century? Is recycling worth the effort in the 21st century and what is recycling? The definition of recycle given by dictionary is â€Å"to pass again through a series of changes or treatments ; to process (as liquid body waste, glass, or cans) in order to regain material for human use ; to reuse or make (a substance) available for reuse for biological activities through natural processes of biochemical degradation or modification†. Recycling has been around for thousands of years. Not only do people recycle but nature has been recycling plants, trees, insects and creatures for as long as there has been nature. We recycle mostly because it is the smart thing to do for our earth but it also helps save energy, creates jobs and reduces many of our problems with litter and trash. In 1031 Japan was the first country recorded to use waste paper for making new paper. In 1776 America declared its independence from England and they advertised for scrap metals like iron kettles and pots to melt down for their weapons. In 1865 The Salvation Army started in England and they start collecting and recycling unwanted goods of all kinds and they give jobs to the poor and uneducated and then it comes to the United States in the 1890’s. In 1904 the first aluminum can recycling plant opens in Chicago and in Cleveland Ohio and the all aluminum can is introduced in 1964. The value of the aluminum can starts a huge recycling system and for redeeming the used beverage containers. Landfills came about in the 1940's and 1950's when these huge areas became available and they were very popular because of the it was to easy to toss unused products away. No one knew at that time how they would grow and multiply to how they are today. In 1965 the Solid Waste Disposal Act is passed by Congress which recognizes trash as a national issue and to develop programs to state and local governments with disposal programs. In the 1970’s the fist national Earth Day is held on April 22, 1970 and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency is created to response to the public’s concern for the environment and waste disposal. In the early 70’s the PET plastic bottle is also introduced and starts replacing many glass bottles but recycling for PET plastic bottles does not start until 1977. It is not until the late 80’s that Rhode Island is the first state to pass a mandatory recycling law for aluminum and tin cans, glass, plastic bottles and newspapers where residents and businesses must separate these items from the regular trash and recycle. As stated by the White House Task Force on Recycling in 1998; Recycling is everybody’s business. From industry to government, from schools to our very own households, America’s commitment to recycling has helped keep our communities clean and our economy strong. Federal agencies are further reducing waste generation, increasing recycling, and increasing purchases of recycled products. Working together, there is even more we can do. Today, we challenge every American to step forward, take action, and contribute to this important national effort. By bringing new partners to the recycling efforts of businesses and families across the nation, we will better protect our natural resources, improve our quality of life, and strengthen our economy. So is recycling worth it? Michael Shapiro, director of U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Solid Waste states â€Å"A well-run curbside recycling program can cost anywhere from $50 to more than $150 per ton†¦trash collection and disposal programs, on the other hand, cost anywhere from $70 to more than $200 per ton. This demonstrates that, while there’s still room for improvements, recycling can be cost-effective. † Many people still say it costs more than it is worth. John Tierney wrote in the New York Times Magazine that Recycling is Garbage and stated â€Å"Mandatory recycling programs offer mainly short-term benefits to a few groups — politicians, public relations consultants, environmental organizations and waste handling corporations — while diverting money from genuine social and environmental problems. Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Controversy over the benefits of recycling bubbled up in 1996 when columnist John Tierney posited in a New York Times Magazine article that â€Å"recycling is garbage. † http://environment. about. com/od/recycling/a/benefit_vs_cost. htm Officials in some cities claim that curbside recycling programs are cheaper than burying the garbage in a landfill, which can be true in places where the landfill fees are high and the collection costs aren't as exorbitant as in New York. But officials who claim that recycling programs save money often don't fully account for the costs. A lot of programs, especially in the early years, have used funny-money economics to justify recycling,† says Chaz Miller, a contributing editor for Recycling Times, a trade newspaper. â€Å"There's been a messianic zeal that's hurt the cause. The American public loves recycling, but we have to do it efficiently. It should be a business, not a religion. † Recycling programs didn't fare well in a Fed erally financed study conducted by the the Solid Waste Association of North America, a trade association for municipal waste-management officials. The study painstakingly analyzed costs in six communities (Minneapolis; Palm Beach, Fla. Seattle; Scottsdale, Ariz; Sevierville, Tenn. , and Springfield, Mass. ). It found that all but one of the curbside recycling programs, and all the composting operations and waste-to-energy incinerators, increased the cost of waste disposal. (The exception was Seattle's curbside program, which was slightly cheaper — by one-tenth of 1 percent — than putting the garbage in a landfill. ) Studies in European cities have reached similar conclusions. Recycling has been notoriously unprofitable in Germany, whose national program is even less efficient than New York's. We have to recognize that recycling costs money,† says William Franklin, an engineer who has conducted a national study of recycling costs for the not-for-profit group Keep America Beautiful. He estimates that, at today's prices, a curbside recycling program typically adds 15 percent to the costs of waste disposal — and more if communities get too ambitious. Franklin and other researchers have concluded that recycling does at least save energy — the extra fuel burned while picking up recyclables is more than offset by the energy savings from manufacturing less virgin paper, glass and metal. The net result of recycling is lower energy consumption and lower releases of air and water pollutants,† says Richard Denison, a senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, which has calculated the ecological benefits of recycling http://www. nytimes. com/1996/06/30/magazine/recycling-is-garbage. html? pagewanted=7 ————————- When the research firm Franklin Associates examined the issue a decade ago, it found that the value of the materials recovered from curbside recycling was far le ss than the extra costs of collection, transportation, sorting and processing incurred by municipalities. Recycling Often Costs More Than Sending Waste to Landfills Plain and simple, recycling still costs more than landfilling in most locales. This fact, coupled with the revelation that the so-called â€Å"landfill crisis† of the mid-1990s may have been overblown—most of our landfills still have considerable capacity and do not pose health hazards to surrounding communities—means that recycling has not caught on the way some environmentalists were hoping it would. Education, Logistics and Marketing Strategies Can Lower Recycling Costs However, many cities have found ways to recycle economically. They have cut costs by scaling back the frequency of curbside pickups and automating sorting and processing. They’ve also found larger, more lucrative markets for the recyclables, such as developing countries eager to reuse our cast-off items. Increased efforts by green groups to educate the public about the benefits of recycling have also helped. Today, dozens of U. S. cities are diverting upwards of 30 percent of their solid waste streams to recycling. http://environment. about. com/od/recycling/a/must_recycle. htm Recycling Statistics / United States 2 million tons of materials are recycled in the United States.? 53. 4 % of all paper products are being recycled.? There is about 100% increase in the total recycling in the United States during the past decade.? Each person produces 4. 6 lbs. of trash per day in the United States.? In 2005, roughly 8,550 curbside recycling programs existed throughout the United States. 8,875 programs existed in 2003.? United States recycles ab out 32% of its waste today.? An average American produced 800 kilograms of rubbish in the year 2005, compared to only 577 kilograms per person in Western Europe. ttp://www. benefits-of-recycling. com/recyclingstatistics. html http://www. epa. gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf http://www. epa. gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf http://www. epa. gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf Cost Benefit Analysis: http://www. mfe. govt. nz/publications/waste/recycling-cost-benefit-analysis-apr07/recycling-cost-benefit-analysis-apr07. pdf page 11 http://www. epa. gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf Appendix (1)7, Dec. 2010 Bibliography http://www. benefits-of-recycling. com/historyofrecycling. html http://www. benefits-of-recycling. com/recyclingstatistics. html http://www. benefits-of-recycling. com/recyclingprices. htm http://www. epa. gov/osw/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/recycling; â€Å"History of Recycling†, California Environmental Protection Agency Integrated Waste Management Board, 1997 ***http://www. epa. gov/osw/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw2008rpt. pdf â€Å"Recycling For The Future† , ,

Crimes Against Humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crimes Against Humanity - Essay Example that this term first appeared in the preamble of the 1907 Hague Convention, the meaning of this term have evolved to take on a much broader meaning to include â€Å"anything atrocious committed on a large scale.†1 Killing is morally evil and wars bring so many deaths that even though â€Å"decisions relating to war are not made in a moral vacuum†2 one can never claim that the death of innocent people are but the collateral damages of war. As the term â€Å"crimes against humanity† has become so broad that it encompasses just all other types of violence against certain groups of people, sector or race, it would help us to understand it better by looking into some specific events that resulted into the loss of thousands human lives. There have been many events in the past, which involves great loss of human lives, but nothing could ever surpass the holocaust. In the generic sense of the word, a holocaust is any event where there is great loss of human life as is near total destruction by fire. However, the meaning of this word somewhat changed with the event that led to the death of some 11 million people. The holocaust is one of the best examples of â€Å"crimes against humanity†. Between 1933-1945, around 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jewish people were systematically killed when the Nazi and its supporter ruled the most part of Europe3. Although most of Hitler’s target was the Jews, there are also other people who suffered and died on the process under the brutality of the military, the government officials and the leaders of the Nazi. Technically, the holocaust started when the Nazi in Germany opened the first concentration camp sometime in January 19334. At first, these camps were used as the holding place for political prisoners but eventually evolved over time until in 1939, it became the place of horror where people were tortured and killed. Prisoners were classified in the concentration camps. Those who are healthy and strong were subjected to forced

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Pythagorean Theorem Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Pythagorean Theorem - Coursework Example This GPS navigation also requires the application of Pythagorean Theorem (Maor, 2007). Pythagorean Theorem is used to determine the size of a television or a computer monitor. Through determining the length and breadth of the screen and using the formula of Pythagorean Theorem [c= √(a2+b2)], the diagonal size of the screen is determined (Maor, 2007). Pythagorean Theorem is highly effective and is comparatively easy than any other mathematical tool hence, it is extensively used. There is no other geometrical concept required to determine the size of the screen. Moreover, there are no other available tools in the modern day that determines the same (Lorenz Educational Press, 2014). Pythagorean Theorem is also effective in determining the size of a ladder for painting a building of specific height and maintaining a specific distance for safety. Through determining the height of the building and the distance from the building in where the ladder is placed, the height of the ladder would be determined through the use of Pythagorean Theorem formula [c= √(a2+b2)] (Lorenz Educational Press, 2014). Pythagorean Theorem is highly effective and is easily applicable hence, is the best tool to apply. Measuring ropes are required to determine the length of the building. There is no other geometrical concept used in the process. Moreover, there are no other tools determined that would resolve the issues (Kramer, 2011). Lorenz Educational Press. (2014). CCSS 8.G.B.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem: Aligns to CCSS 8.G.B.7: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions. Ohio: Lorenz Educational

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Christianity as Mediated by America's Entertainment Culture & Justin Essay

Christianity as Mediated by America's Entertainment Culture & Justin Bieber - Essay Example Consequently, it is why celebrities are marketed and angled to entice a larger devotion, exploring more possible target consumers. A prime example of this scenario is Justin Bieber and how he projects his image as a devote Christian. He even inked a portrait of Jesus on his calf. In an article entitled â€Å"Are young, religious stars like Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow making Christianity cool?† (, January 10, 2012), Jo Pizza also mentioned other stars such as Demi Lovatto and NFL player Tim Tebow credit and praise their religion for their success in . Whether it is a packaging and publicity stunt to showcase Bieber as a devoted Christian in order to further his career, it is important to scrutinize the effects that in entails to society, to popular culture and its followings, and also the impact towards the Christian religion or simply just to religion. It is also critical to note that while Bieber’s influence does not generally include the adult population, h e rather has a strong hold of fan base on the youth who calls themselves as â€Å"Beliebers†, wherein the influence and impression is more potent and lasting to society, notwithstanding the support that it garners from the religious sector. Thus, there is also a need to explore the link between how pop culture transcends from an idolizing and cult-like following into a significant religious influence. To understand better the American society and how religion is practiced, the media and its proponents must also be discussed. It is also important to delve and examine how religion evolved in the United States and outline how the secular theory has adopted through time through the aid of mass media and technology. Understanding how religion is now availed by the community through means of cable televisions and especially the internet will give better grasps as to how pop culture has found a way and rooted itself through the religious diversities of America. Celebrities are Sales men and Religion is a Product When someone is propelled into the spotlight, directly or indirectly, they sell something. Whether it is in the form of movies, appearances, albums, advertisements, and the like, celebrities are vessels to sell something. In fact, in today’s culture, the celebrities are even the product themselves.1 Compared to the previous decades, the consumers demand to know everything about their lives. Noteworthy is the emerging unprecedented growth of paparazzi and gossip chasers who literally stalk celebrities in chase of the latest piece of conversation or controversy that can be made. In this age of technology and media, the interesting is defined by what is visible. Following on that premise; the invisible is uninteresting, thus unpopular, and ultimately unsellable. Therefore, celebrities must constantly reinvent and find ways to be more and more noticeable to the public eye in order to be successful salesmen of their products. Religion is no different than any commodity. It is also a product that is like any other where it needs to be marketed and sold to the consumer.2 After all, one needs to be convinced of a product before one purchases it or (in this case) adheres to it. It is worth highlighting that in this modern age, forms of religion are being marketed and advertised through the media. Evidence of these are the television channels

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment - Essay Example Cultural diversity refers to people belonging to diverse cultures working in one organisation, which is rampant in Singapore because of its history of immigrants and also due to its growing economic prospects. The present discourse focuses on the way Singapore manages its cultural diversity. The topic explores various governmental initiatives as well as organisational policies towards diversity management in this region. During the process, a critical view of the policies and practices and their impact on other aspects of organisational performance would be placed to assess the effectiveness of the policies and practices. Moreover, possible recommendations to tackle these challenges would be suggested based on organisational practices. 2. Background: While the effects of globalization have been so profound that all organisations have to adapt to the changes, diversity is one of the strategies adopted for sustainability and performance. This reflects in their policies and practices wi th respect to human resources management. Though the western countries adopted this route much earlier, it is relatively newer concept in most of the Eastern nations (Mor-Barack, 2005). This does not mean that the Eastern nations did not employ people from different cultures and ethnic groups; but just that the organisations have started adopting policies and practices to encourage and, to an extent, suit multicultural and diverse populations during last few decades. The most important requirement for managing diversity comes from equal rights act and policies congruent with this act, which create favourable social, legal and organisational environment to all groups of people. Secondly, organisational policies and practices that encourage and support diversified workforce. 3. Rationale: Globalization has provided extraordinary benefits to organisations, which has enticed many organisations to enter the global market. This has further increased the numbers of people from different ba ckgrounds, cultures, races and ethnic groups to work together at different locations. On the other hand, organisations in some sectors are known to have moved to other places in order to flourish because the legislation there was more conducive to their strategies; for example, Singapore has relaxed legislation related to bioresearch, unlike in the Western countries. Many Western bioresearch organisations shifted their base to Singapore (Huat, 2011). Much before such movements, Singapore is known for cultural diversity because it was established because of immigrants from different parts of the world, which created a plural and highly diverse and ethnic society (Chen-Tung, Ong & Chen, 1980). With such high cultural diversity, Singapore is one of the most advanced and flourished nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Many reasons make Singapore as the focus of discussion related to management of cultural diversity in organisations. The immense industrial growth in Singapore suggests tha t workplace diversity, specifically cultural diversity, is being managed effectively; this fact is further reinforced by the immense movement that is continuing, and potential that still exists in this part of the world. Secondly, Singapore hosts a variety of cultural mix, which makes it even more difficult for diversity management for organisations if they have to cater to the cultural differences of all groups that are a part of them. At least these two critical reasons are enough to explore

Sunday, August 25, 2019

ABSTRACT AND CONCLUSION for my critical communication event in recent Essay

ABSTRACT AND CONCLUSION for my critical communication event in recent history - Essay Example Critical communication encompasses several avenues, taking the simplest avenue at one point, and a complex one at another. These avenues include: the press, film, radio, television, internet and wireless communication. This paper will focus on individual critical communication avenues, and further define the interrelationship between and among these avenues in the context of an event in recent history. Emery Orto, a 6-foot 350-pounds suburban Chicago man, was denied flying with Southwest Airlines from Las Vegas to Midway because of his size (Netter, 2009; eTurboNews Inc., 2010). He was not ready to buy a second ticket nor did he communicate with the Airlines personnel properly so that they could see he was right by letting him board the plane and seeing for themselves (Monson, 2011). After the incident happened, there were a lot of people who were of the point of view that Orto should have been allowed to fly (Texas, 2009). But critically analyzing the situation, one comes to know that the Airlines personnel was only doing its duty by questioning Orto as by boarding him with only one seat booked would not only have made him uncomfortable but the comfort of other passengers sitting next to him was also at stake. The customer of size policy of South West Airlines (2011) states that, â€Å"Customers who are unable to lower both armrests and/or who compromise any portion of adjacent seating should proactively book the number of seats needed prior to travel†. This incident got media’s attention and became a hot topic just because of Orto’s ego and unwillingness to communicate with the Airlines personnel. I believe that Orto should have kept his ego aside. The personnel reports that Orto was offered to board the plane to show that he could fit in one seat without disturbing his seatmates, but he refused which shows irrational behavior and reluctance to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cell phone should use it on class room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cell phone should use it on class room - Essay Example Students prefer carrying their handheld cell phones in order to surf information faster as well as keep themselves updated with what is being taught in class. These pocket sized devices help students keep connected to each other as well as reduce the burden on paper because information is so readily available that students find it easier to learn and grow personally by having knowledge right on their fingertips. Teachers can mail children about their problems and home work and keep in touch with them in a better manner as well. Cell phones also have various applications which help students make notes as well as keep reminders about school and college events and happenings and thus make the entire process less tiring both mentally and physically on the child. Thus, students prefer to use their cell phones during class hours and it can actually be a boon for them. Almost every class room around the world has a no cell phone policy – and much rightly so. Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student’s life because of the capacity of applications and tools that they contain. Students find it tough to work on essays with pen and paper and have become obsessed with copying and pasting information for their work from the internet. Thus, it is leading to retarding their learning and growth process. Not only this, but cell phones keep beeping all the time and distracting young minds from learning what is important. Since almost every student is connected to the other, an array of text messages and calls never leave them, even inside the classroom. Thus, there should be some hours a day where a student does not communicate via his cell phone, but pays attention to what is being taught. Most children take to playing games and spending their time on social networking websites with cell phones within the classroom, wasting precious learning time.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hermaphrodite Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hermaphrodite - Research Paper Example Although some hermaphrodites have one sex organ being more dominant than the other, some have a combination of both genitalia sharing dominance. Medical practitioners in the U.S. estimate the frequency of hermaphrodite’s births to be 1 in 1500. An extensive review of a medical journal published in 1998 by Dr. Gregory Simpsons provides a glimpse of different sex variations and their probability of occurring. The probability of delivering a child that is not XX or XY is 1 in 1,666 births. Discussion Hermaphrodites are treated differently in different cultures due to their sexual orientation. Asian cultures have classified such individuals as a third gender that blends social roles for centuries. Most societies throughout the globe expect hermaphrodites to identify with one gender role, either male or female (Dreger, 25). There exists no universal tolerance to this biological phenomenon, but the existence of hermaphrodites was known to many ancient cultures. Medical authors for e xample, introduced the term â€Å"true hermaphrodite† to accommodate persons who had both testicular and ovarian tissues during the Victorian era. The terms male pseudo-hermaphrodite, and female pseudo-hermaphrodite were coined later to describe individuals who had one dominant genitalia. However, British medical specialist, Allen Weber, sought to replace the term hermaphrodite with intersex. True Hermaphrodite A true hermaphrodite is an individual with both testicular and ovarian tissues. In addition, the genitalia are often ambiguous since none of the organs is fully developed. So far, there is no known cause of this biological problem that affects thousands throughout different cultures. However, Dr. Kathleen Long postulates that the cause of this problem could be the mutation of the sex-determining gene in addition to the fertilization of an ovum by two sperms (Long, 152). Partly, this could explain why the genitalia have both organs present at the same time. Mostly, ovar ies develop underneath each testicle leading to an ovotestis that contains both types of the tissues. However, there is no documented case in which both genitalia function. Some of the katyotypes that have been encountered so far include 46XX/47XXY, 46XX/46XY, and 47ZZY. This condition can be distinguished histologically since it is dissimilar to mixed gonadal dysgenesis. As of May 2008, there have been 11 cases reported of fertility in true hermaphrodite humans. However, a case in which both gonadal tissues function is yet to be documented, as opposed to rumors that true hermaphrodites can impregnate themselves. The degree of external genitalia ambiguity is dependent on the amount of testosterone that is produced by the testicular tissue between the 8th and the 16th week of the gestation period (Long, 180). Medical authors suggest that it is caused by the division of one ovum, followed by fertilization of both haploids before they fuse again early in the fetus development stage. Ho wever, few people believe it is caused by the mutations in the SRY gene. Male Pseudo-Hermaphrodite A male pseudo-hermaphrodite has ambiguous female external characteristics, but the male organ is often dominant. In most cases, the testicles are fully developed even though they are attached to an under-developed female genital. Individuals with this biological condition have secondary sexual characteristics such as being less virile and often portray a feminine

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Chromatography Experiment Essay Example for Free

Chromatography Experiment Essay Aim: To identify different unknown amino acids, within given substances. Apparatus: List 1 List 2 * 2 test tubes * Test tube rack * 2 bungs * 2 pins * 5 known amino acids: * Proline * Leucine * Lycine * Asparagine * Arginine * 1 unknown amino acid * Paper Chromatography * Paper Solvent * Pencil * Ruler * Tweezers * Paper Towel * Pipette * Ninhydrin * Incubator * Scissors * 1 Jam Jar * Treated Orange Juice * Untreated Orange Juice * TLC * TLC Solvent * Pencil * Ruler * Tweezers * Pipette * Paper Towel * Ninhydrin * Incubator Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Method (Part 1): * Cut 2 strips of paper chromatography using tweezers and scissors while resting on paper towel * Measure 1cm from bottom of strip and draw a line across * Draw a cross in the centre of this line * Attach a pin to the top of the chromatography paper, and put pin in bung * Place inside test tube, and measure 5mm from where the bottom of the paper lies, draw a line across the test tube * Do the same with both strips * On the cross put 10 drops of a known amino acid, wait for each drop to dry in between * On other strip put 10 drops of unknown amino acid * Pour paper solvent into both test tubes up to line drawn * Put bung in both test tubes, let solvent work its way up chromatography paper * When near top of paper, take out, and draw line across where solvent has reached. Method (Part 2): * Place TLC on paper towel, draw line across at 1cm from bottom * Draw 2 crosses each 1/4 way across line * On 1st cross put 10 drops of treated orange juice, letting each drop dry in between * On second dot put 10 drops of untreated orange juice * Pour TLC solvent into bottom of jam jar * Using tweezers place TLC into jam jar * Let TLC soak up solvent * When nearly at top take out and draw solvent line across Method (Part 3): * Take the results of method part 1 and 2 and spray all with ninhydrin spray * Place in incubator until amino acids can be seen * Draw lines across where colours end, and work out Rf values for all lines Results Chromatograms: Results Table: Rf value = distance moved by solvent / distance moved by solvent front My Results Solvent Front Substance Front Rf value Treated Orange 4.6 1.8, 2.8, 3.3 0.39, 0.61, 0.72 Untreated Orange 4.7 0.5, 2.0, 2.6, 3.0 0.11, 0.43, 0.55, 0.64 Leucine 7.9 4.7 0.59 Unknown 7.0 4.2, 4.8 0.60, 0.69 Class Results Calculated Rf value Average Actual Rf Proline 0.76 0.87 0.82 0.48 Leucine 0.79 0.59 0.69 0.73 Lycine 0.41 0.45 0.43 0.14 Asparagine 0.26 0.54 0.40 Arginine 0.53 0.53 0.2 Conclusion and Evaluation: From these results I can say that in the unknown substance, were two amino acids, and from what my results tell me, I can predict that they were Arginine and Leucine. The Treated orange juice appeared to have three amino acids in it, my results tell me that these are Asparagine, Arginine and Leucine. The untreated Orange Juice seemed to have four unknown amino acids, my results tell me that these were Asparagine, Lycine, Arginine and Leucine. I could tell this as I matched up the Rf values with the ones that seemed to be the closest match. I know that these results were not that accurate as I know the Rf values for four of them. For Proline the real Rf value is 0.48, but our class results got 0.76 and 0.87 with an average of 0.82. This is clearly wrong. Therefore anything that I have predicted to have Proline in, might not have it in. For Leucine the real Rf value is 0.73, and our class results are 0.79 and 0.59 with an average of 0.69. This is a very close result, so it is quite accurate. So it is likely that if I have predicted it to have Leucine in it, it probably does. For Lycine the real Rf value is 0.14, and our class values are 0.41 and 0.45, with and average of 0.43. This is not a very good match. From this I can tell that anything I have said to have Lycine in it, probably does not have it in. For Arginine the real Rf value is 0.2, and we only have one class result for that and it is 0.53 which is clearly wrong. This shows us that anything I have predicted to have Arginine in, probably wont. For Asparagine, we are not sure of the real Rf value, so I can not tell if our results are right, but guessing from the rest not being accurate, it probably is not. Saying this, not only could our results from the known amino acids be wrong, but also so could our results from the unknown amino acids, and the treated and untreated Orange Juice. This tells me that our results could have been wrong on both accounts, and so could possibly be right! We can not be sure, but we do know that the results for the known amino acids were not as accurate as they should have been. These errors could be down to a number of things. Firstly if we had touched the paper chromatography or TLC at any time we would have left our own amino acids on it, and so our experiment would have been inaccurate. It was very hard not to touch either of these while cutting, or moving to place in test tubes or in jars. It could have been very easy to accidentally touch it, thus messing up the experiment. Another way these errors could have occurred could have been down to making the amino acid drop too big, due to not waiting until it is dry enough to put another drop on. This would have meant that when put in the solvent, the dot would have been emerged in it, and made our results inaccurate. Another way an error could have occurred could be not making the dots as concentrated as they should have been, not counting enough drops of the amino acid onto the paper or TLC. This would have changed our results. Another way would be if when put in the solvent the test tube or jar moved, and splashed the paper or TLC, making the solvent front longer then it should have been, so our calculations would be inaccurate. Another way could be putting too much TLC or Paper solvent into the jar or test tube, thus emerging the dot, making more inaccuracies. If the paper chromatography had been touching the side of the test tube while the solvent was working its way up, then this would have made our results inaccurate as well. All of these errors would make our results inaccurate and less reliable. One way of making our results more accurate would be to get rid of all these errors, which is very difficult as there are so many errors that could be made during this experiment. If I were to do this experiment again, I would start by wearing some rubber gloves, so that if I did touch the paper it would not matter as much. The second thing I would change would to be more accurate when putting the dots on the paper or TLC, making sure that they are dry properly, and that they do not spread too far. Another improvement I would make would be to make sure the paper was not touching the side of the tube, to not move the tube once the paper is in, and to make sure I draw my lines as accurate as I can. Also when I measure them, I will be more precise so that my results will be a lot more accurate then they were this time round.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hasty Desicion Essay Example for Free

Hasty Desicion Essay Who falls in love after seeing each other for only one night. Romeo and Juliet has made some hasty decisions for those few days they were together. What do i mean about hasty decisions is like getting married and not never telling their parents knowing that they hate each other. Romeo killing Juliets cousin Tybalt during a little fight. And Romeo killing himself after hearing that Juliet fake her death. That is what i mean about hasty decisions. Romeo and Juliet were very young Juliet was fourteen years old and Romeo was sixteen or seventeen years old. Romeo and Juliet falls in love with each other as soon as they saw each other. It was at a dance. Romeo and Juliet families did not like each other for nothing in the world thats what makes it worst. How are you going to have a relationship with someone if the parents doesnt approve of it thats kind of miss up right. So they had a secret wedding that only the nurse and the preacher know about. Thats one the hasty decisions that were made in this story. In the story of Romeo and Juliet they make another hasty decision. Romeo kills Juliet cousin Tybalt . Romeo has made a very huge hasty decision right here by killing a family member. What makes it very bad is that the families a families already dont like each other and he go and kills his wife cousin. So they go and deliver the news to the families and Juliet family says that Romeo should die for doing a such thing. So now that Romeo has killed Tybalt is focus to move out the city or he will be killed. The last hasty decision that was made was that happen in the story is that Romeo has killed himself with some position . Romeo kills himself because he heard that Juliet killed herself. So now Romeo is gone and died somewhere else . Then they tell Juliet and she fake her death. So now that the truth commas out about them . The nurse ends up telling the families that they were married and had no other choices about but to just to get alone with each other choice but to like each other. In conclusion their were so much more hasty decision that were made. And i just chose to do those three to write my essay on how they made bad things like. Married without telling either of their parents knowing that they hate each other, Romeo killing juliets cousin Tybalt and almost getting himself killed, and Romeo and Juliet drinking a position to kill their self and that killed Romeo and they never said if it killed Juliet. But i think it did in my own opinion. That is my way of them trying to show their hasty decision. I wonder what would happen to me if i did any of these types of hasty decision that they had made.

Buddhist Philosophy of No-Abiding Self

Buddhist Philosophy of No-Abiding Self Outline and discuss the Buddhist philosophy of no-abiding-self (anatman). What is rebirth if there is no soul being reborn? In the first noble truths, Buddha taught that suffering or dukkha exist in our lives. The Buddhas teachings are simply a path way to enlightenment (?) so that the suffering can end all together. to become enlighten is to wake up to the true reality of things so that one can see who they really are in the deepest levels. It is at that moment when the realization of selfishness takes place and all the suffering falls away. When someone is not enlighten, then their current understanding of the world and who they really are, does not match the reality. Because of this confusion, suffering takes place. Unless one is enlighten, then this person will continue to identify with the wrong version of their self. There is this sense of duality in the world of the notion of me and I. From this notion people tend to create all of their attachments such as my house or my family. This way of thinking and perception springs all human feels; desires and aversions. Where does the idea of self, derive from? When Buddha was asked about I he said, in paraphrasing, where is this I? Point it for me. (Reference) Buddha wanted to make his followers this notion of the self. Are we our names, for instance? Often times, individuals can feel compromised by the existence of another person having the same name as themselves. Does that mean that we can only exist in our body? Our body constantly changes. The body a person has when they are 80 years old is not the same as the body they had when they were new born. So how can the body constitute a permanent self? Individuals derive to this sense of self due to rapid interplay of many physical and mental processes. The Buddha explained that everyone has five aggregates that work together to form the sense of self (Boisvert, 1995).In Sanskrit these five aggregates are called skandhas (Boisvert, 1995: 17).The five aggregates consist of form, consciousness, feelings, perceptions and mental formations (Boisvert, 19 95: 4). They all work in combination to each other. Because they seem to work so simultaneously it is easy to incorrectly identify with these aggregates as they are constituting our permanent and unchanging self. However, the Buddha pointed out that it is our identification with these aggregates that is creating this illusion of permanence and as long as we continue to cling to these as being who we are we will continue to suffer(Boisvert, 1995: 8).REBIRTH The first aggregate is form or matter (Boisvert, 1995).This includes the four great elements; earth, water, fire and air (including all the forms; internal and external, which are derived from these elements such as the physical body) (Gethin, 1998: 140). The Buddha wanted to draw our attention to the six sense organs; eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body(Gethin, 1998: 140). When these are working properly they can detect the five sense-objects; visible form, sound, odour, taste, and tangible things(Gethin, 1998: 150-153).The coming together of sense-organ and sense-object, allows the corresponding sense-consciousness to arise (Gethin, 1998: 150-153).For instance, if the eye sense-organ meets with the visible object, then eye-consciousness arises. It is this arising of the consciousness which allows us to become aware of the presence of that sense-object(Gethin, 1998: 150-153). One the eye-consciousness arise, it forms an interaction between the sense-organ and the sense-object and thi s allows us to become aware of the presence of the object(Gethin, 1998: 150-153). Once we have the consciousness of an object, then this allows for the other aggregates to arise. The aggregate of feeling refers to feelings that arise from eye-contact, ear-contact, nose-contact, tongue-contact, body-contact, and intellect-contact (Gethin, 1998: 215-218).There are three kinds of feelings we might experience; pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral feelings (Gethin, 1998: 212-214). So it is from the contact of the sense-organs, the sense-objects and the sense-consciousness that these feelings can arise and these sensations van be either enjoyed, disliked, or be neutral. Then there is the aggregate of perception, which is what identifies what it has been noted by the relevant consciousness (Boisvert, 1995: 46)This allows an individual to recognize it, label it and categorize it. Thus, this aggregate allows one to stop making sense of the world because up until this point, the aggregates could only perceive things but not give it any meaning (Boisvert, 1995: 46-47). For instance; when drinking coffee, through the contact of the tongue, one is able to taste the coffee. Thus, the tongue-consciousness can perceive the taste of flavour. For the aggregate of feeling, in this example, the sensation might be quite pleasant because of the coffees warmness and flavour. Then this becomes the aggregate of perception which actually recognizes the liquid as coffee, because it fits into the pre-digested mental categories of what the properties of coffee should be like. With the aggregate of perception an individual is able to identify the stimuli around them (Boisv ert, 1995: 46-47). The last aggregate is mental formations and fabrications(Reference). This aggregate indicates that each individual has different ways they can react to a sense-object and develop different feelings and perceptions of it(Boisvert, 1995: 49). As the name suggests, this aggregate is interests in the ways an individual can initially react on a mental level, even before this person follows through with some behaviours of speech, body and mind(Boisvert, 1995: 48-50). This aggregate is interested in all the wholesome and unwholesome intensions or impulses that arrive in relations of what we see, hear, smell, taste, feel and think(Boisvert, 1995: 48-50, 214) These intentions arise before we react with our body, speech or mind. In Buddhism, they refer to these intentions as the karma seeds(Gethin, 1998: 214)These actions have the power of bring happiness or suffering. We can make our own choices. But there is no concept of sin as there is in the Christian belied. They believe that unskilful c hoices can lead to bad karma, while skilful choices can lead to good karma(Gethin, 1998: 214)Perhaps, one of the most important point of this aggregate is that this is where human habits of mind are created (Gethin, 1998: 154). This is where individuals develop all their ideas, opinions, and prejudices about things and people, as well as all of their compulsions(Gethin, 1998: 153- 154). So this aggregate really determines whether one develops positive qualities of the mind or not. This is where individuals can shape their mental habits and the person they want to become. The five aggregates show that the interactions to people or situations in life are not immediate or automatic. There is a process involved where the individual is not at the mercy of their feelings or thoughts. There is a choice in how to respond to everything. This is a very liberating concept because if individuals can develop enough mindfulness to recognize their impulses or intentions as they arise, they can then learn to replace them with more wholesome ones and they can decide whether they actually act out on them or not. They can decide whether they will verbally abuse someone who insulted them or whether they can practice patience in a challenging situation. Essentially, individuals can decide what karma they create and whether they move towards enlightenment or not. Mindfulness is the quality that initially allows us to depersonalize the aggregates (Reference). So a person will not say the thought as being his/hers thought but simply he/she can say a thought is a thought. It is a phenomenon they can choose to entertain or not. With this perspective, thoughts are nothing more than an identity that arises and passes away (Reference). This brings a lot of lightness to our thoughts. There is no need to allow ourselves to get caught up in them anymore and get stuck on certain thoughts. Instead individuals can become dispassionate and objective observes and they will be able to remain calm and peaceful when thoughts arise whether they are wholesome or unwholesome ones (Gethin, 1998: 214). Getting back to what the teaching on the five aggregates mean in the of no self or anatman; the Buddha explained that these five aggregates are the basic elements of a person and they are in the state of continual change (Reference). For instance, an unpleasant feeli ng passes away to give rise to a pleasant feeling. One moment of consciousness is replaced by a different consciousness based on a different sense-organ. Of these aggregates, none of them can stand alone or constitute a permanent self because they are in a state of constant change. Every moment the sense-organs come into contact with the sense-object. These four processes of consciousness of sense, feeling, perception, and mental formation, occur with lightning speed, and because it happens so fast it gives the appearance of continuity and that of an unchanging entity (Reference). So it is because of the combination of these aggregates working together that there is the sense and idea of permanence and permanent I and it is conveniently labelled as self. Seeing thus, the well-instructed disciple of the noble ones grows disenchanted with form, disenchanted with feeling, disenchanted with perception, disenchanted with fabrications, disenchanted with consciousness. Disenchanted, he becomes dispassionate. Through dispassion, he is fully released. With full release, there is the knowledge, Fully released. He discerns that Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for this world. (Reference) The Buddha was saying that once one realizes that he/she is not their thoughts, feelings or perceptions, then the individual will no longer continue to cling to them and will finally be liberated from their self-limiting views. It is all of the self-grasping that creates our suffering. All the misconceptions and the mental stories that individuals built on them, they bring out a lot of suffering. It then becomes possible to live in the world with greater lightness of being and ease. It is within that space of peace and tranquillity that best decisions can be made. When he Buddha became enlighten, he did not just vanish into thin air; he still had his body, his speech ad his mind (Reference). He just did not identify with his aggregates as possessive things ad as permanent entities. When speaking to a monk named Bahuna, the Buddha explained: Freed, dissociated, released from ten things, Bahuna, the Tahagata dwells with unrestricted awareness. Which ten? Freed, dissociated, and released from form the Tahagata dwells with unrestricted awareness. Freed, dissociated, and released from feeling from perception.. from fabrications from consciousness from birth from aging from death from suffering and stress Freed, dissociated, and released from defilement, the Tathagata dwells wit unrestricted awareness. Just as a red, blue, or white lotus born in the water and growing in the water, rises up above the water and stands with no water adhering to tit, in the same way the Tathagata freed, dissociated and released from these ten things dwells with unrestricted awareness. (Reference) Once an individual is freed from the contains he/she identifies with, the five aggregates, the Buddha is saying that there is still an unrestricted awareness that remains (Reference). There is some kind of consciousness and cognition that experiences. This consciousness that is without feature and without end does not rely to any of the six-organs and continues to be experienced when the six-sense stop function (Reference). However, even this unrestricted awareness is not something one can pin down at any moment and say that this is my permanent self, because it is constantly in a state of change. If we are not our bodies, our names, our thoughts and our feeling, then what are we? Buddha explained that when there is no clinging of these five aggregates the what remains is an unrestricted awareness that is luminous all around. The concept of anatman and selflessness are linked with these five aggregates of form, consciousness feelings, perceptions, and mental formations in which individuals wrongly identify with as being who they are. When an individual has the realization of selflessness then there is freedom that comes with is because he/she are no longer confined to their limited views of who they are and nor are they grasping anything as being an extension of themselves, so they can let go of their need to cling to possessions or even people in their lives. In fact, individuals will appreciate everything more and in a much more freed way. Citations: Boisvert, M. (1995). The five aggregates. 1st ed. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Published for the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion by Wilfrid Laurier University Press. LOOK AT CHPATER 2 6 Gethin, R. (1998). Foundations of Buddhism. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Moby Dick :: essays research papers fc

Moby Dick I. Biographical Insights A. The culture this great author was a part of was the time in American history where inspiring works of literature began to emerge. It was also a time when American writers had not completely separated its literary heritage from Europe, partly because there were successful literary genius' flourishing there. B. Herman Melville was born on August 1, 1819, he was the son of Allan and Maria Melville. During Herman's childhood he lived in the â€Å"good† neighborhoods of New York City. In 1832 Herman suffered tragedy when his father died after trying to cope with the stress of debts and misfortunes. After a short time in a business house in New York City, Herman determined he needed to go to sea. He spent years traveling on a variety of ships, including whaling ships. C1. Melville's perspective on life is that God created the universe with an infinite number of meanings and man is always trying to determine one specific meaning. D2. The â€Å"lessons† that Melville is likely to weave into his writing are 1. An exposition on whales and the whaling industry. 2. A commentary on the universe and human destiny. 3. Thoughts about God and Nature. III. Characters B. The protagonist in this book is Ishmael, a Christian, schoolteacher and part- time sailor. Ishmael's role in the hunt for â€Å"Moby Dick† is to interpret what is happening. He discusses his reasons for going to sea and interprets and looks for understanding a number of reasons for any specific action where other characters only understand one reason. C. It is hard to say what changes take place in Ishmael's personality, since he is the narrator he doesn't talk about himself, he only talks about what he sees. D1. Ishmael befriends Queequeg who is a cannibal. Even though Queequeg is very ugly Ishmael sees that Queequeg has an honest heart, great honor, and a lot of courage. This friendship had a positive influence on Ishmael's behavior because it taught him not to judge on outward appearances. E2. Another relationship that was very short was the relationship between Ishmael and Captain Ahab. For the first few days aboard the Pequod Ishmael always saw Ahab in the shadows. When Ishmael finally saw Ahab he had shivers run through his body. Ishmael felt Ahab's attitude of determination, dedication and hatred towards â€Å"Moby Dick† in Ahab's appearance. This relationship was a negative relationship because Ishmael now feared Ahab and did not want to become friends with such an evil person. F. The conflict that Ishmael experienced was that he saw how Ahab was such an

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ayn Rand Anthem Paper :: essays papers

Ayn Rand Anthem Paper When born into the world, you are sheltered and nourished. When the appropriate age is reached you begin your schooling. Once your education is complete you are employed and work with complete security in your trade. At forty years of age you retire and spend the rest of your days with your peers, with everything requested provided for you. That is as long as you learn at the same pace as everyone else. If you're too bright you will be punished. And as long as you don't ask too many questions, the overly inquisitive are beaten. As long as you don't care who you are told to sleep with, because we know who your genes are most compatible with. And as long as you don't believe you are any different or any better than anyone else is, because that will cost you your life. You aren't granted a name or an identity or a soul. There are no individuals; there is only the collective. This is the world of Anthem. Ayn Rand composes Anthem in an almost lyrical fashion and the majority of the text embraces poetry more faithfully than it does prose. This does little to affect the storytelling, but it encourages the reader to view the novella as an extended poem which detracts from the seriousness of the piece. Rand presents her tale of a man who dares to make individual choices, to seek knowledge in a dark age, to love the woman of his choice. In a society in which people have no names, no independence, and no values, he is hunted for the unpardonable crime: having the courage to stand above the crowd. Rand's own beliefs and her philosophy are most obviously seen through the protagonist, Equality's, struggles. By having us bear witness to this oppression, her opinion on the detrimental effects of collectivism is projected to us. The world described in Anthem is a primitive one, although it is set in the future. All technological development has been lost, because "What is not done collectively cannot be good," and, "What is not thought by all men cannot be true." (p.81) In this collectivist society, the individual has been lost to assimilation, and all creativity is suppressed. In spite of all of this, Equality has always been different; in the world in which he lives, this is a terrible sin.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why Couples Break Up Essay -- essays research papers

In our complex society there are marriages and relationships that succeed and comparably many that do not. Unfortunately, many small conflicts within people do not resolve easily and lead up to divorces and/or break ups. It is unfair to say that particular sex is responsible for all the causes the difficulties in relationships. Therefore, both sides should be analyzed closely to find the flaws within the relationships. Most men think that their girlfriends or wives are the main problem makers, and strongly oppose the fact that they are the problem too. Similarly, women find their own reasons to blame their men for the failures of their relationships. However, everything comes to a point where each person should take a look at their own flaws and also consider the problems in their own sex, that unfortunately cause their marriage to dissolve in the big pot of misunderstanding and confusion. From women's point of view we can see that men are not the perfect human beings, which they thi nk they are. Women come up with countless causes that build up tension between couples. Important of all, men are blamed for every single thing. Major causes that raise difficulties and rifts within relationships are men's irresponsible spending, their habit for gawking at other girls, and that they usually forget special occasions. First of all, a main cause that is commonly identified by many females is that men go for other girls and gawk at them even in their presence. Many conflicts in rela...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Encountering Conflict Essay

Conflict, whether we choose to admit it, is a part of life. Conflict may be sparse in a persons life, and most of which is over trivial things, but when faced with a conflict great enough, the very fibre of a persons being is tested, and how they react proves what kind of person they are. This testing only occurs when one is taken far from their comfort zones, and is such often difficult to see. This is not the case in regards to those involved in the witch trials of Salem in 1692. As one of the many who were prosecuted during the Witch Trials, John Proctor, born March 30, 1632, faced something that changed changed his life in a rather drastic way. Proctor thought of himself as a man of honesty and integrity and one who pursued the truth and did little to hide it in any way. His nature was perceived in both good and bad light, often being too critical. Regardless of his nature, he was tried unjustly on false claims made by Abigail Williams. During these trials he was accused of witchcraft, was convicted and brought to prison. Weeks after his arrest, he was bidden to confess to witchcraft and to sign a document to prove it. After signing the document, Proctor wanted to keep the document from being nailed above the door of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. He did this to not tarnish his name, and that of his family’s, any more than he must. This resistance took great courage, knowing what would come as a result of his actions, that being the taking of his life. Sombre as this may be, an amount of good had come of this, Proctor had ultimately proved that he was the man that he thought he was, a man of justice, pride and ultimately honest man. Another man who was prosecuted as a result of these trials based on false accusation and meeting a similar fate to Proctor was Giles Corey.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Elements of Art Essay

Each work of art has elements of unity and elements of variety. Variety balances out unity and keeps things interesting. The center of interest or focal point is the place the artist draws your eyes first. Artists use balance in order to construct paintings. These elements of art such as unity, variety, focal point or area of interest and balance will be used to give you a better understanding. Examples from â€Å"Giorgio de Chirico† (The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street, 1914), â€Å"Pablo Picasso† (Seated Nude, 1909, Spanish), â€Å"Francisco de Goya† (Saturn Devouring His Children, 1819) and â€Å"Piet Mondrain† (Devotie, 1908) will be used merely as informational pieces to convey these elements of art. Some ways of creating unity might be to make everything in a painting a similar color, or a series of repeating shapes, or a consistent texture made with brush strokes. At times, variety coerces the eye to pay particular attention to that object. Variety occurs when an artist creates something that looks different from the rest of the artwork. For example, â€Å"Giorgio de Chirico†, (The Mystery and Melancholy of a street, 1914) depicts unity and variety with light/dark (cooler and warmer hues) various shapes and lines. Unity is depicted in the repletion of the square windows, directly above the repletion of archways alongside two buildings. Variety is depicted in the chosen colors and various shapes and lines. In â€Å"Chirico’s† oil canvas, variety is applied by the contrasting of warmer hues aside the cooler hues (light and dark) conveying both space/distance and receding/closeness. The unity and variety in this canvas is brought together through the repetition depicted on the two buildings, the warmer hues and light expressing depth and the cooler hues and dark expressing the closeness. These same principles of the elements of unity and variety, are depicted in â€Å"Picasso’s, Goya’s and Mondrain’s† Canvases. Artists emphasize certain parts of their artwork to stand out and grab your attention. This is called a focal point or area of interest. An artist applies a focal point or area of interest for the coercion of the viewer’s eyes. In â€Å"Picasso† (Seated Nude) the area of interest is establish with the choices of color. He has placed warmer hues (red, orange and yellow) throughout the body of a nude man sleeping. â€Å"Picass† emphasizes the man by a  focal point, using light to contrast the man’s shoulder, rib, chin and ear, thus attracting the eye to various cooler hues and forms. In â€Å"Francisco de Goya† (Saturn Devouring His Children) the coercion of the viewer is brought about with the contrasting colors. Here â€Å"Goys† has used dark (cooler) hues surrounding a man and his malice expression. Emphasizing the man are light (warmer) hues, thus depicting the devouring of the carcass of a woman. The devouring is emphasized by, blood (red hue) dripping down her arm from inside the man’s mouth. The viewer’s eyes are first coerced to the facial expression on the man’s face. These same principle of the element of the focal point or areas of interest, are depicted in both â€Å"Chirico’s† and â€Å"Mondrains’s† canvases. Balance is one of the elements of art, which is very important to artists and their work. By using balance to guide our attention around a work, artists give structure to our perception of it. Their are three different elements of balance an artist uses to construct their paintings. They are, (symmetrical balance), which means both sides of an imaginary line are the same, (asymmetrical balance), meaning each side of an imaginary line are different yet equal and (radial balance), meaning lines or shapes grow from a center point. However, in the reference pieces of, â€Å"Piet Mondrain† (Devotie) and Gorigio de Chirico† (The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street), â€Å"Pablo Picasso† (Seated Nude) and â€Å"Francisco de Goya† (Saturn Devouring His Children) an (asymmetrical) balance was used to construct these canvases. Both sides of this imaginary line are different yet equal, thus bringing together the other elements of art. Concluding, unity is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and suggest that it belongs. Variety balances out unity and keeps things interesting. A focal point or areas of interest are used for the coercion of the viewer’s attention. Lastly, an important factor is balance. Artists use balance in order to construct a painting. All of the elements of art discussed here play an important role in designing of art. â€Å"Giorgio de Chirico† (The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street, 1914), â€Å"Pablo Picasso†Ã‚  (Seated Nude, 1909, Spanish), â€Å"Francisco de Goya† (Saturn Devouring His Children, 1819) and â€Å"Piet Mondrain† (Devotie, 1908) were used merely as informational pieces to convey these elements of art.

Jet Blue Airways Case Study

Crafting and Executing Strategy Jet Blue Airways case study In 2008 businesses began to cut back on employee travel, and consumers tried to save money and used stay-cations instead of vacations, during a summer the U. S. economy slowed and oil prices rose; jet fuel prices went through the roof as a result. to offset the higher fuel costs, airlines began increasing revenues by means such as: fuel surcharges, charges for the first checked bag, charging for blankets, pillows, and headphones, and finally lowering wages and grounding airplanes.Some airlines didn’t survive, some decided to form a merger to try to buoy the rising costs. Beyond cost, there was the prospect of increasing competition, shortages in pilots, flying schools lacked instructors, and labor costs. Some companies as a result of the impact of these new changes employed a new tactic of their own: large airlines would steal pilots from smaller companies, luring them with better pay and benefits. JetBlue’s st rategy was to be a company that would combine the low fares of a discount airline carrier with the comforts similar to a den in people’s homes.Passengers could save money while they ate gourmet snacks, sat in leather seats, and watched television. The goal overall, was to bring humanity back to air travel. 3. Discuss Jet Blue’s financial objectives and whether or not the company has been successful in achieving these objectives. JetBlue was a discount airline carrier, offering passengers low fares, point to point systems, and maintained quick turnaround times at airports. Its operating costs were low, especially in comparison to other major airlines.The company’s turnaround time was 20-30 minutes, because they did not serve meals, meaning they did not have to wait for catering services; flight attendants stowed carry-on bags in overhead bins, and everyone on staff helped to throw away the trash after each flight. The company’s organizational culture was a strong one, and it achieved extraordinary results by implementing five steps: defining the company values, hire employees that mirrored company values, exceed employee xpectations, listen to customers, and create the organizational culture. First step; defining the company’s values: safety, caring, integrity, fun and passion. These values guided the decision making process for employees. Safety was a number one priority, and to exhibit their commitment to safety, JetBlue teamed up with Medaire Inc. , so that crew members could immediately consult with land based physicians anytime a passenger fell ill; it was also the first airline to install Kevlar cockpit doors and surveillance cameras.Step two was to hire employees that mirrored the company’s values. During the hiring process, JetBlue wanted to hear that a candidate had done something special for someone else. The third and fourth steps involved ensuring that the company continued to exceed employee expectations an d to ensure that it listened to its customers. The final step in creating the company’s organizational culture was to create a culture of excellence; the company had to continually improve its services and set itself apart from its competitors.Jet Blue’s strategies for 2008 and beyond included following several new strategies: To reevaluate the ways the company was using its assets, reduce capacity and cut costs, raise fares and grow in select markets, offer improved services for corporations and business travelers, form strategic partnerships, and increase ancillary revenues. (Thompson, Jr. , Strickland, III. , Gamble, 2010). During the deployment of these strategies, Jet Blue further laid out their plans.To reduce capacity and cut costs, JetBlue agreed to sell nine used Airbus A320s in 2008, which netted a cash gain of $100 million. The company delayed the delivery of 21 new Airbus A320s, which were scheduled for 2009-2011, to 2014 and 2015. This allowed JetBlue to p ut off payment for the airplanes, and save on operating expenses. (Thompson, Jr. , et al; C-72). The company suspended service in and out of several states, and cancelled plans for service between Los Angeles International Airport and Boston and New York.Doing so helped save money on fuel expenses. JetBlue started to employ their plan to grow in selective markets, and raise its fares. In March 2008, JetBlue announced that Orlando would become a focus city, and that it would open service between Orlando and Cancun, Mexico, as well as Orlando and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This would become tentatively approved to be Orlando’s only service to South America. Also in March 2008, JetBlue’s average one-way fare reached a high of $138.This was still very competitive with other airline carriers. According to the U. S. Department of Transportation, the average domestic fare in 2007 was $331. JetBlue made efforts to appeal to business travelers by introducing refundable fares, and allowed corporate meeting planners to receive meeting specific discounts as well as a complimentary travel certificate for every 40 customers booked to the same event destination. The company entered into a five-year agreement with Expedia Inc. to reach leisure travelers.The goal of forming strategic partnerships was achieved when it developed an agreement with Aer Lingus that let passengers make a single reservation between Ireland and 40 different destinations in the U. S, via JetBlue’s hub John F Kennedy international airport. It also developed a marketing partnership with the Massachusetts based Cape Air, so passengers could transfer between the two carriers to get to places such as Hyannis, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard. References http://www. flightglobal. com/news/articles/interview-jetblue-chief-executive-dave-barger-345289/

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Effects of Longterm Imprisonment

CRJ 220 Effects of Longterm Imprisonment While the average time served in US prisons is 34 months, many inmates are serving sentences longer than this. According to a 2009 report by the Sentencing Project, 140,610 out of 2. 3 million inmates are serving a life sentence. However, with the possibility of parole, not all life sentences mean inmates spending their lives behind bars. Some inmates will return to society and face many challenges. One issue with long term imprisonment is the effect on family.While the inmates connection to his/her family may remain the same, the family moves on. Some spouses will divorce over the crime itself. The inmate now faces their long term sentence without the support of a significant other. Even those whose marriages survive the initial ordeal will encounter many more challenges along the way. Spouses are facing the prospect of spending a great period of their lives alone. The inmate knows this and will now have the added anxiety of wondering: will t hey find someone new, will they cheat?Children further complicate the matter. The child will grow up without a father or mother. At any age, the child will go through milestones that the inmate will miss: first words, first steps, first day of school, first date, graduation, marriage, grandchildren, etc. The long term inmate will likely miss one or more of these events. Young children may not remember their parent. They will likely have no relationship with the inmate. Even those who manage to form some kind of bond find it is very difficult to maintain from behind bars.The released inmate then has to be a part of a life that they were absent from for years. Another issue with long term imprisonment is employment. In five or more years, much can change. As society changes, technology advances. An inmate's prior skills, training and education may now be irrelevant. While â€Å"free† workers may face the same dilemma, they also are given time to gradually adjust to these change s and learn new skills. The inmate is thrown into these changes upon release. Even if their skills are still relevant, the inmate may lose their work skills after not using them in so ong. The long term inmate who was incarcerated at a younger age may not have had a chance to get an education or any job or skill training at all. Upon their release they may be 48 with the education of a 17 year old. Long term imprisonment may also have an effect on work ethic. Inmates have not been part of the work force for a long period of time. While some inmates are assigned jobs, not all are. Will those who don't have a diminished work ethic upon release? Will they remember how to function in a work environment?Another issue with long term imprisonment is the effect on mental health. Those sentenced to long terms may encounter psychological issues during their sentence and upon their release. Inmates may give up hope; those sentenced to life in prison give up the idea of ever gaining freedom. Th ough they may have a chance at parole, they know the chance of being released might be slim. There are inmates who commit suicide shortly after being sentenced because they can't deal with the extreme life change. Being in a prison environment for so long also can change a person.Inmates grow very accustomed to the prison lifestyle: waking up at a certain time, following a strict schedule, being watched at all times, following very strict rules. It can be difficult to adapt into being a â€Å"free† individual again: making your own decisions, knowing what to do without someone telling you what to do, giving yourself rules, etc. There are also the rules in prison versus the rules in society. Prison rules include not only the ones set by the institution itself, but also prison ‘norms' set by the inmates. These rules are very different from the ones we have in society.These rules can also change an inmate's personality. They may become more violent to protect themselves or prove their power to others, or become overly cautious and suspicious of people. These effects can carry over upon release. While some of the effects of long term imprisonment are beneficial to society and the inmate, many of the effects are harmful as well. The longer a prisoner is incarcerated, the more they will adapt to their environment and lose contact with the outside community. This adaptation can be difficult to reverse, even after release into society.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

“Philosophers”, “architects”, “dreamy professors” Essay

These epithets are most often used to describe the INTP personality type. INTPs love theories and believe that everything can be analyzed and improved. They are not that concerned about the real world and practical things – from the INTPs’ perspective, it is often less exciting than ideas and intellectual pursuits. People with this personality type have no difficulties noticing patterns where others cannot – this makes them brilliant theorists and analysts. The accumulated knowledge is the most valued asset of any INTP. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork which is constantly absorbing, processing and generating all kinds of theories – this is how the INTP mind works. People with the INTP personality type possess the most logically precise mind of all personality types – they can easily notice even the tiniest discrepancies between two statements, no matter how much time would have passed in between. It is a bad idea to lie to an INTP. They ma y appear dreamy sometimes, but this is not because their mind is resting – quite the opposite. INTPs are enthusiastic and impartial when it comes to dealing with problems – they drill through the details and then develop a unique approach and ultimately a viable solution. INTPs are usually very intelligent and insightful people, able to remain unbiased in any situation. They absolutely love new ideas and theories and would never miss an opportunity to discuss them with other people – however, this never-ending thinking process also makes them look somewhat pensive and detached, as INTPs are perfectly able to conduct full-fledged debates in their own heads. People with this personality type may also find it quite difficult to explain their thoughts to others, even when it becomes obvious that their theories are not easily graspable. INTPs may also move on to another topic before their co-workers or partners have figured out what the INTP wanted to say. INTPs cannot stand routine work – they would much rather tackle a difficult theoretical problem. INTP personalities really have no limits when it comes to theoretical riddles – if there is no easy solution and the topic is interesting enough, an INTP can spend ages trying to come up with a solution. INTP personalities are usually very shy and reluctant when it comes to meeting other people. However, INTPs can also be very friendly and confident when they interact with people they know well or talk about things that interest them. INTPs are flexible and relaxed in nearly all situations,  except when their beliefs or logical conclusions are being criticized. In those cases, the INTP is likely to become very defensive and argue tirelessly. Sharing many personality traits with other T types, INTPs do not really understand or value decisions based on feelings or subjective opinions. In their opinion, the only good solution is the logical solution – INTPs do not see a point in using emotional arguments. Such an approach preserves the â€Å"sanctity† of their intellectual method; however, this also makes it difficult for INTP personalities to understand other people’s feelings or satisfy their emotional needs. Individuals with the INTP personality type are likely to be very open-minded and even eccentric. These traits, combined with their capacity for in ventiveness and original thought, make up a very Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference. Albert Einstein  powerful mix – it is not surprising that INTPs are responsible for many scientific discoveries. An INTP is unlikely to care much about social expectations and the â€Å"usual† goals such as job security – however, they will do their best to find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed. One of the few bottlenecks that INTPs impose upon themselves is their restless fear of possible failure. No other personality type worries that much about missing a piece of the mental puzzle or overlooking some crucial fact that might lead to a better solution. Unlike their more confident INTJ or ENTJ cousins, INTPs could spend ages reflecting on their actions. Even when an INTP is arguing with someone, this should be taken with a grain of salt – they might as well be arguing with their own mind. If you would like to learn more about the INTP personality type and its traits, download the INTP In-Depth Profile – a 6 0+ page guide covering a number of diverse topics.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Topic about education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Topic about education - Essay Example Such an individual begins a project and completes it successfully with all the grit and determination. He may not have long suffixes of degrees and diplomas after his name, trophies and medals to decorate the private showcase. But he creates a name for himself in the society and secures a permanent place in human history. He reserves for himself some pages in the recorded saga of progress of humankind and as such he is the product of man-making education. America, deeply entrenched in the era of technological advances and the internet revolution has neglected the true spirit of education in an individual’s life and this is the bad side of American education. Material gains, have failed to provide true happiness to people in America today. Creative genius, a passion to learn at all times while observing, participating in small and big occasions in life, to understand the significance of interaction with the lowest and the highest on an even keel, need to be the true assets of a n educated individual and the educational institutions must mold the students as such to turn out fully integrated personalities that contribute to the societal harmony and the well-being of the nation, and that is the true index of individual happiness. If one studies the processes of achievements of Richard P. Feynman, as articulated by him in his book, â€Å"Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character)†, one realizes the importance of encouraging creativity and the ability of self-education in the students in educational institutions. Each educational institution professes to do the same, encourages the latent talents of the students, but the hidden agenda of the college and the student is career-oriented, and securing good positions with high packages is their primary objective. The compilation of syllabus and the selection of lesson is an important

Monday, August 12, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Marketing - Essay Example 8).† The engagement This engagement relates to the period during the second half of the last year, when a distant relation of mine wanted me to help him in designing the marketing department and developing the marketing aspects of his start-up family restaurant. This relation of mine took retirement from the Royal Navy as a Chief Petty Officer. He approached me to help him in designing and developing the marketing aspects of his business. I being a student of business studies, he thought I would be in a better position to help him in guiding on the marketing aspects. According to him, the navy taught him everything about cooking and gave him enough exposure on the culinary skills, managing the production facilities and managing men, but he lacked seriously on marketing knowledge. Although he believed if he starts a restaurant, with his culinary skills and personnel management as the chief cook in a frigate, he would be able to do good business. On the flipside, he was sceptical that the different and highly competitive environment may make it very difficult for him in the formative days. He felt that some help in marketing would make him more confident. He was undecided about to how to go about the whole thing about marketing. For me this was an opportunity to make application of my lessons in marketing. Defining Marketing To gauge his understanding on marketing, I asked him to tell me what he knows about marketing. According to him, marketing includes such activities as selling, advertising, marketing research and so on. I explained him that marketing is a way of doing business which starts with a focus on customer needs and expectations. I quoted the definition of UK Chartered Institute of Marketing which states: Marketing is the management process which identifies, anticipates, and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably. (Blythe, 2001, p. 11; cited by Schaefer, 2010, p.8) I explained him that to begin with we have to understand what he visualises about his would be customers, their likings and dislikes in respect to their food habits and decor and ambience. I continued that in addition to these factors, we need to know about their level of income to gauge about their affordability, so that we can plan to meet their requirements both efficiently and profitability. With this information, we would have to apply the marketing concepts. Setting the orientation I discussed with him about the four types of orientations a business can have, namely the (1) product orientation, (2) the production orientation, (3) selling orientation and (4) the marketing orientation. I advised that we develop a marketing orientation of the business, which in reality is an ‘outside-in’ approach in contrast to the other three approaches of inside-out approaches. Here, we had to start with a thorough assessment of the needs and expectations of buyers and then trying to fulfil those needs and expectations in order to attract cus tomers. I explained that in this perspective, he not only have to assume what its potential customers may want, but also he has to find out what his customers would actually want. Accordingly, the business offering have to be

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Comparison of Xu Bing and Gu Wenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Comparison of Xu Bing and Gu Wenda - Essay Example In addition, the contemporary artists like Xu Bing and Gu Wenda are aware of that their viewership is not limited within the Chinese context, but it extends to the global community. Thesis statement: The comparison of the Chinese artists named as Xu Bing and Gu Wenda, based upon their life, career and work, proves that both of them share certain similarities within their life and career, but their artworks prove that Xu is interested in combining traditional art with modernity, but Gu is interested in going beyond traditional art by making use of the elements of modernity. Xu’s life (say, this artist was born in the year 1955) represents the modern/contemporary art within China. Besides, he was born in a major city area in China, named as Chongqing. But his family was forced to relocate to Beijing and this helped this artist to be in touch with metro life. Ann MacArthur stated that, â€Å"Xu Bing. a leading figure in the international art world, was born in China and now lives in America† (2006). But the Cultural Revolution deeply influenced this artist’s early years of life because he was forced to relocate to village areas for service. Later, he was able to return to metro life. Here, he decided to mold his future career by enrolling himself as a student at the CAFA. In the year 1987, he was able to receive MFA. Within scenario, his major subject (say, printmaking) deeply influenced his future career and usage of medium in art. At the same time, he was not ready to yield to the strict laws implemented by the authorities. This is evident in his works related to political criticism. So, he was forced to migrate to US and this helped him to gain international attention. Still, he was not ready to forget his motherland because he returned to his motherland in the year 2008. But Gu’s early life was comparatively

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Problematic situation is Contract Law Case Study

Problematic situation is Contract Law - Case Study Example It is fortunate the judge took the time to find where the problems lay and also decide the outcomes (GP Surveyors). In June 2003, Mr. Simon Davenport and Mrs. Angelika Davenport, husband and wife, engaged the services of a small and untried building contractor called TL Construction (UK) Ltd. ("TL") to carry out plastering, wiring and other such refurbishment work in their beautiful stucco terrace leasehold house located in Knightsbridge, SW3. Mrs. Davenport was in charge of all the work being carried out by TL. While she left the technical aspect of the work to TL, she provided most of the management needed to keep the work going through day to day close personal involvement and continuous monitoring of the finished product. Mrs. Davenport also looked after the co-ordination of the work of the building contractor with the directly engaged specialists. The work was done without any builder's specification. Mr. David Jones, surveyor and principal to Design Group Nine Ltd provided limited supervisory services. The work was paid for at cost and in cash and there was no defined contractual period or completion date or any clear definition of the specialist work such as the electrical work, plastering, joinery or painting work. After having paid a substantial amount and not satisfied with the work, they terminated their contract with TL nine months later during Easter 2004. The Davenports had paid out 147,000 and this amount was in excess of what had been quoted at the outset and the work was still significantly incomplete. The Davenports were unhappy with most of the work, particularly waterproofing and electrical works done by TL. They began to despair when the work kept dragging on even after nine months! The plastering and waterproofing was not only substandard but also erratic. Some weeks before terminating the contract with TL, the Davenports had engaged Monavon, following an introduction from Mr. David Jones, to install a new conservatory extension at the rear of the house. When the contract with TL ended on a sour note, Mr. Davenport invited Mr. Ian McGowan, Monavon's principal, to inspect the works and indicate how much he would charge for remedying the defective work left by TL. The work was to be done to a very high standard. Mr. Davenport also obtained quotations from two other contractors. He did not disclose this to Monavon. Mr. McGowan gave Mr. Davenport what he contends was a provisional guide price of about 100,000 which was less than half what the other two contractors had quoted. Mr. Davenport therefore decided to engage Monavon. Monavon carried out the work between April and September 2004. It was not to Davenports' satisfaction. The work by McGowan also took more time than was anticipated. It not only took more time, but the payments to be made were more than what the Davenports were ready to pay. Basically, there were three works that needed to be done. They were electrical work,

Definition and Explanation of Closed and Open Economic Systems Essay

Definition and Explanation of Closed and Open Economic Systems - Essay Example ic system are trading of goods and services at international levels and engaging in import and export of goods and services between various countries. Therefore there is no doubt that this leads to inner and outer flows. It may be goods and services in the form of import and export or the flow of resources, such as labor, capital and currency. The flow of labor is in two ways: emigration and immigration. Emigration means the outer flow of people to different countries, whereas immigration is the inner flow of laborers into the country. Capital flow refers to foreign trade investment. Defines and explains leakages in an open system. In the open system, a there is financial model that computes the goods and services exchanged nationally. The leaks in the open system include all transactions of foreign countries.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"In an open system, taxes are included in the model to show government purchases and inject money back in to the economy† (The Mechanics of Open and Closed Syste m, 2012, para. 4).  Ã‚  Funds being lost due to purchases of foreign facilities can also be seen in the open system. Another structure of leakage that can happen is when US industries outsource their capital OR labor to foreign countries. Even though the industry is saving and can currently make extra profits, the cash that is leaked may not be regained later. Define and explain injections in an open system. An injection happens when a foreign or individual company purchases American commodities or facilities. If a foreign industry hires workers belonging to the US, the wages deserved by the employees are measured and injected back into the financial system. Similarly, when the local government produces purchases in America or provides facilities like welfare, the cash is injected back into the... This essay discusses the closed economy, that is the opposite of an open economy. In a closed economic country, that were analyzed in this essay all economic activities are conducted within the boundary of the country. Such an economy is an independent economy, which means the country does not accept imports from other countries and also does not export to foreign countries. The main objective of this type of economy is to make everything available for people within the confines of the economy. Thus, it can be stated that such a country will not engage in any type of trade or have even the slightest of interactions with other countries. However, it can be seen that in the modern times closed economic countries are very rare. For example, China was a closed economy earlier and then transformed into an open economy, when the China Government understood the benefits that come along with being an open economy. Hovewer, the researcher also mentions that Brazil remains one of the most clos ed economies in the world today. Today, an industry aims to give more US jobs in addition to create earnings from selling to foreign countries is the important example of injection. The company â€Å"green† was identified Wind Sail Reception, Inc. is situated in Nevada and has been creating turbines to change wind to power since the year 2002. The industry sells to American energy services and European services. The income created from the European market is measured a cash injection to the economy of the United States.